

I started writing notes in the margins of my Bible around the time I was thirteen. I wanted to remember the things I was learning! Occasionally I would write a date to go with my note if the date felt significant at the time, but most of the time I just jotted little notes. Over the last couple of years, I’ve started to write a date next to every note I make in my Bible. There are two reasons why I believe it would be helpful for you to do the same.


When I look back on the notes in my Bible, it’s helpful to see how God used His Word to speak to me in a particular season of life. If I didn’t write the date, I would have no context for what the application may have been to my life at the time I made a note. It’s a blessing to look back on my notes that are dated during the time my dad was in the hospital, or when we were preparing to move from Utah to Tennessee. If I hadn’t written down the date, I wouldn’t be able to remember how God’s Word specifically sustained me through those situations.


God uses His Word to prepare us for the things that are yet to come in our lives. It’s exciting to be able to look back and see how God was speaking to me shortly before He brought my husband into my life. Or I can find comfort in the things God was working in my heart about in the days before my grandfather passed away. Even if this today doesn’t feel significant, write the date anyway. You may be able to look back and see that God knew what was coming in your life before you even had a clue. You will be able to see how He was preparing you for the good times and the hard times through your daily time in His Word.


It can also be helpful to keep a journal to remember what’s happening in your life so you can look back on those dates. One line a day journals are a great way to start! Do you write dates in your Bible? Do you have any other ways that help you remember how God has worked in your life? Tell me about them in the comments!

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